Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 38-49 2/3/11- 2/12/11

I have been bad by not writing in my blog. I have also been bad with my eating. I am not 100% committed to doing the Atkins diet like I was at the beginning. I have to get recommitted to losing the weight. Although, I am still losing weight, I probably could have lost more if I was doing it 100%. I have even slacked off from my exercising. I just can't get back on the wagon. As of today, I am determined to kick it into high gear.
School is going ok. I have had 2 tests so far. The first one was great. I got an 84%. I was very happy with my score. This past Friday was our 2nd test and I did not do well at all. :-( I have to step it up with my studying as well. I can't afford to fail at this point in my schooling. I am very determined to pass this semester. I do not want to have to not complete this semester. Today will be a change.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 35, 36 and 37 1/31/11, 2/1/11, and 2/2/11

It has been an interesting week. I need to keep on track. So far I have cheated Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I had donuts on Monday and Tuesday. Today I had tacos from Taco Bell for dinner. I did do 3 work out DVDs on Tuesday night. I did 2 Biggest Loser Workouts and the Core Rhythms. i was tired, but it was worth it. we also took measurements, and I am down 7 1/2 inches, and I have lost 5 more pounds. I need to really stick to my diet plan. I can do this! My knees are bothering me. I think it's because I don't have proper work out shoes. When I get some extra money, I plan on investing in a decent pair of shoes to exercise in.
School is going ok so far. We have our first test this Saturday. I am a little nervous, but I know I can do this! I plan on getting an A! Speaking of which I need to get offline to do more studying! Good night!