Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 3 and Day 4 12/30/10 and 12/31/10

I forgot to write yesterday. I was tired and never got around to it. Again it has been really cold and I did not go outside to exercise. I'm keeping up with my exercises indoors.It is New Years Eve and I am in the house. Vegas can be quite crazy on New Years Eve! I will be ringing in 2011 in bed, warm and watching it on TV. I hope everyone is safe tonight and DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!   I am keeping this short, but I did want to say I set a goal for myself in regards to school. I was looking at stuff for graduation and I want to try to graduate with honors. You have to have a certain GPA in order to receive these honors when you graduate. They have Cum Laude: 3.50-3.69, Magna Cum Laude: 3.70-3.89, and Summa Cum Laude: 3.90-4.00. Right now my GPA is 3.08. So, I think I can strive for Cum Laude! It's going to be tough, but I think I can do it! That is all for today. See you in 2011!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 2 12/29/10

Day number 2 wasn't so bad. Today was a lot colder and it rained later in the night. I didn't go for a walk like I wanted but I still did some exercise.I don't want to weigh myself just yet, maybe in a week. I don't like the disappointment when you haven't lost anything. I know I know people always tell me muscle weighs more than ft, but I need to get rid of this fat first before I try and put some muscle on.
Besides eating healthy, I am using some products I ordered from a friend. It's supposed to aid in the weight loss. One product curbs appetite an the other is a fat burner. I just started taking them, so I don't know if it is working yet! Time will tell. One of my other goals is to try to get more sleep. Normal sleep for me is about 4 or 5 hours. Mostly because I have trouble falling asleep and because a lot of the time I'm up studying. I'm going to start slow and work my way up to 8 hours. Well, time for the much needed sleep. Talk to you tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

12/28/10 Day 1

Today is the first day of a new beginning. I have been overweight for some time now. I really need to lose weight in order to be healthy. I know a lot of my health problems would be so much better if I get this excess weight off of me. I am holding myself accountable for all my actions.
Today I started eating healthier. It is definitely going to be a challenge. All day all I kept thinking of was foods that are not healthy for you (i.e. pizza, burgers, wings). I kept it together and I did not cheat. It helps to have friends around to keep you in check.
I also started my exercise routine again. My roommate and I are doing the Core Rhythms DVDs. It is such a great work out, and I worked up a good sweat. Before I went to bed, I also did some sit ups. Tomorrow I will go walking for an hour.
I wanted to start this blog, to keep myself from back tracking. I am ashamed of how much I weigh. I figured if I posted on a blog, my weekly weight, it would keep me motivated to keep losing. I need to lose 145 pounds! I am 5' 7" and my weight as of today goes........... 290 pounds. It is so embarrassing and I am ashamed to be in my own skin. I am turning over a new leaf. I am focusing on me. 2011 is going to be my year. I am going to lose the weight I need to lose and I and going to continue focusing on my education. I am going to school to become a nurse. I have 4more semesters to go before I graduate. I would like to look my best and be the best person I know how to be!