Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 38-49 2/3/11- 2/12/11

I have been bad by not writing in my blog. I have also been bad with my eating. I am not 100% committed to doing the Atkins diet like I was at the beginning. I have to get recommitted to losing the weight. Although, I am still losing weight, I probably could have lost more if I was doing it 100%. I have even slacked off from my exercising. I just can't get back on the wagon. As of today, I am determined to kick it into high gear.
School is going ok. I have had 2 tests so far. The first one was great. I got an 84%. I was very happy with my score. This past Friday was our 2nd test and I did not do well at all. :-( I have to step it up with my studying as well. I can't afford to fail at this point in my schooling. I am very determined to pass this semester. I do not want to have to not complete this semester. Today will be a change.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 35, 36 and 37 1/31/11, 2/1/11, and 2/2/11

It has been an interesting week. I need to keep on track. So far I have cheated Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I had donuts on Monday and Tuesday. Today I had tacos from Taco Bell for dinner. I did do 3 work out DVDs on Tuesday night. I did 2 Biggest Loser Workouts and the Core Rhythms. i was tired, but it was worth it. we also took measurements, and I am down 7 1/2 inches, and I have lost 5 more pounds. I need to really stick to my diet plan. I can do this! My knees are bothering me. I think it's because I don't have proper work out shoes. When I get some extra money, I plan on investing in a decent pair of shoes to exercise in.
School is going ok so far. We have our first test this Saturday. I am a little nervous, but I know I can do this! I plan on getting an A! Speaking of which I need to get offline to do more studying! Good night!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 33 and 34 1/29/11 and 1/30/11

So I think I need to reevaluate this diet. I need to be really strict and really count my carbs. I have been just guessing and rounding and I really need to be diligent and count every single one. I have been getting a little lazy with the exercise lately too. Every since school started I have been finding it more hard to work out. I have to get over this hump! I really want to be a healthy weight and I want to be slim and sexy for my graduation date!
I think too, I'm feeling a little sad that I still haven't found someone in my life. All my friends are married or dating or getting ready to get married. I want that feeling too. I know I have to be patient, and let God bring that person to me, but if anyone knows me patience is something I really don't have.
We will have our first test on Saturday. I'm a little nervous about it, but I have confidence in myself. My goal is to get an A! Well even though I can't sleep, I'm going to try to...........Good night for now!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 26-32 1/22/11- 1/28/11

It has been a long week with work and school going on! I really love mental health class. I am thinking that is where I may want to go once I have my degree. I think that type of nursing fits my personality. You have to be assertive and stand your ground and that suits me to a tee. Exercise has been on and off. I have just been so tired some days that I fall asleep early and don't exercise. Eating is going good, but I have had some cheat days, but only because I don't have the time to make something to eat oer I don't have the money to get the food we can eat. We are doing good though. I want to go to Sam's Club and price their Atkins products in comparison to what we have seen in other stores. I like the shakes and the bars. We are experimenting with all kinds of recipes. We have been doing 2 exercise videos every night. We haven't been walking, but we are going to restart soon. I think I would rather go at night instead the morning, only because in the mornings, I'm rushed and we have to get up earlier and be back to get everybody to work. Well, I better be off to bed, I have class at 9 am! Goodnight/Good morning!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 22, 23, 24, and 25 1/18/11, 1/19/11, 1/20/11, and 1/21/11

I have been slacking on writing in my blog. I started working last week and I am just beat and I always fall asleep before I get a chance to post anything. I am still doing my exercises at night with the DVD and in the early am, I am getting up to go walking. My sleep is still not that great. I really need to kick it into gear and sleep right. My first class is Friday, and from looking at the syllabus, it may be a hard one. I am very determined to get 3 As this semester, so I have to stay on top of everything.
I had one cheat day this week. I ate a pastrami sandwich from this place called Cappriotti's! It was so good and so well worth it. I workout extra hard that night. The rest of the week has been pretty good. Each day gets easier and easier. I'm losing the inches, but I wish my belly would go down faster. I can definitely tell I'm losing weight there, but it's just not fast enough for me. I know I know, it takes time, but you know me. I'm just slightly I am hoping not to get too overwhelmed with everything. Nursing is so hard and it takes a lot of time and energy. I wish I could have a sugar daddy so I wouldn't have to work at all while I finish school....only in my dreams Later for now I will post more later tonight after I see how well or not so well class goes. See ya!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 21 1/17/11

I have lost a total of 8 1/4  inches! Look out! I lost 1/2 inch in my arms, 4 1/2 inches in my waist, 2 inches from my hips, 2 1/2 inches from my thighs and 1/4 inch from my calves! For whatever reason, I gained 1 1/2 inches in my chest (boobs). Well, I guess I should be happy they didn't   I am so happy I am losing weight. The first day of the semester starts Tuesday. My first class will be on Friday. i just looked at the syllabus for each class, and I'm kind of nervous. I have a lot of work to do. I am getting up early on Tuesday to go for a walk so I gotta cut t his short. Good night! :-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 19 and 20 1/15/11 and 1/16/11

I feel really good these last two days. I have been exercising and working, so I am staying active. I can't wait until I start losing more weight. On Sunday I ate more carbs than I was supposed to again. It's ok though, I feel as long as I keep exercising the weight will come off. My muscles are sore all over. That's how I know it's working. i think this week I will do my measures again to see how many inches I have lost. Keep your fingers crossed that I have some loss. This post is short, not too much going on. School starts this week, so I'm sure I'll be super busy. Good night for now!