Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 26-32 1/22/11- 1/28/11

It has been a long week with work and school going on! I really love mental health class. I am thinking that is where I may want to go once I have my degree. I think that type of nursing fits my personality. You have to be assertive and stand your ground and that suits me to a tee. Exercise has been on and off. I have just been so tired some days that I fall asleep early and don't exercise. Eating is going good, but I have had some cheat days, but only because I don't have the time to make something to eat oer I don't have the money to get the food we can eat. We are doing good though. I want to go to Sam's Club and price their Atkins products in comparison to what we have seen in other stores. I like the shakes and the bars. We are experimenting with all kinds of recipes. We have been doing 2 exercise videos every night. We haven't been walking, but we are going to restart soon. I think I would rather go at night instead the morning, only because in the mornings, I'm rushed and we have to get up earlier and be back to get everybody to work. Well, I better be off to bed, I have class at 9 am! Goodnight/Good morning!

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