Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 33 and 34 1/29/11 and 1/30/11

So I think I need to reevaluate this diet. I need to be really strict and really count my carbs. I have been just guessing and rounding and I really need to be diligent and count every single one. I have been getting a little lazy with the exercise lately too. Every since school started I have been finding it more hard to work out. I have to get over this hump! I really want to be a healthy weight and I want to be slim and sexy for my graduation date!
I think too, I'm feeling a little sad that I still haven't found someone in my life. All my friends are married or dating or getting ready to get married. I want that feeling too. I know I have to be patient, and let God bring that person to me, but if anyone knows me patience is something I really don't have.
We will have our first test on Saturday. I'm a little nervous about it, but I have confidence in myself. My goal is to get an A! Well even though I can't sleep, I'm going to try to...........Good night for now!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 26-32 1/22/11- 1/28/11

It has been a long week with work and school going on! I really love mental health class. I am thinking that is where I may want to go once I have my degree. I think that type of nursing fits my personality. You have to be assertive and stand your ground and that suits me to a tee. Exercise has been on and off. I have just been so tired some days that I fall asleep early and don't exercise. Eating is going good, but I have had some cheat days, but only because I don't have the time to make something to eat oer I don't have the money to get the food we can eat. We are doing good though. I want to go to Sam's Club and price their Atkins products in comparison to what we have seen in other stores. I like the shakes and the bars. We are experimenting with all kinds of recipes. We have been doing 2 exercise videos every night. We haven't been walking, but we are going to restart soon. I think I would rather go at night instead the morning, only because in the mornings, I'm rushed and we have to get up earlier and be back to get everybody to work. Well, I better be off to bed, I have class at 9 am! Goodnight/Good morning!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 22, 23, 24, and 25 1/18/11, 1/19/11, 1/20/11, and 1/21/11

I have been slacking on writing in my blog. I started working last week and I am just beat and I always fall asleep before I get a chance to post anything. I am still doing my exercises at night with the DVD and in the early am, I am getting up to go walking. My sleep is still not that great. I really need to kick it into gear and sleep right. My first class is Friday, and from looking at the syllabus, it may be a hard one. I am very determined to get 3 As this semester, so I have to stay on top of everything.
I had one cheat day this week. I ate a pastrami sandwich from this place called Cappriotti's! It was so good and so well worth it. I workout extra hard that night. The rest of the week has been pretty good. Each day gets easier and easier. I'm losing the inches, but I wish my belly would go down faster. I can definitely tell I'm losing weight there, but it's just not fast enough for me. I know I know, it takes time, but you know me. I'm just slightly I am hoping not to get too overwhelmed with everything. Nursing is so hard and it takes a lot of time and energy. I wish I could have a sugar daddy so I wouldn't have to work at all while I finish school....only in my dreams Later for now I will post more later tonight after I see how well or not so well class goes. See ya!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 21 1/17/11

I have lost a total of 8 1/4  inches! Look out! I lost 1/2 inch in my arms, 4 1/2 inches in my waist, 2 inches from my hips, 2 1/2 inches from my thighs and 1/4 inch from my calves! For whatever reason, I gained 1 1/2 inches in my chest (boobs). Well, I guess I should be happy they didn't   I am so happy I am losing weight. The first day of the semester starts Tuesday. My first class will be on Friday. i just looked at the syllabus for each class, and I'm kind of nervous. I have a lot of work to do. I am getting up early on Tuesday to go for a walk so I gotta cut t his short. Good night! :-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 19 and 20 1/15/11 and 1/16/11

I feel really good these last two days. I have been exercising and working, so I am staying active. I can't wait until I start losing more weight. On Sunday I ate more carbs than I was supposed to again. It's ok though, I feel as long as I keep exercising the weight will come off. My muscles are sore all over. That's how I know it's working. i think this week I will do my measures again to see how many inches I have lost. Keep your fingers crossed that I have some loss. This post is short, not too much going on. School starts this week, so I'm sure I'll be super busy. Good night for now!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 18 1/14/11

I worked today for a couple of hours.It wasn't too bad. They gave me another client on a trial basis. If that works out I will have almost 40 hours a week. Yay me! I also got up early this morning to go for a walk. I am liking the walking more and more each time.  am trying to jog more, but it is hard with my asthma. I haven't lost any more pounds, but I think I'm losing inches. I put on a pair of scrub pants today and they are very loose and baggy. The scrub top is kinda loose. I don't want to take measurements again just yet. I want to wait just a little longer. The first day of class will be a week from today. I am looking forward to see how this semester goes. I am not ready for the papers we have to write or all the reading. I wish we had one more week of vacation. I really have to get up tomorrow and go for a walk. Tonight I am getting together with my classmates. We are going to have wine and watch movies. We always do something to celebrate before we go back to school. I am going to be eating more carbs then I am allowed for the day, so I have to burn it off. Today wouldn't be so bad because I am allowing myself one treat day a week, but when I had the 2 training days they fed us pizza on the first day and sub sandwiches the second day. I will try not to overdue it tonight! Good night!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 16 and 17 1/12/11 and 1/13/11

Wednesday and Thursday were both good days. I didn't exercise on Wednesday because I was really tired. My day just wore me out. I fell asleep very early. Thursday I had orientation for a job. After that was complete, they gave me a client right away. I am a little rusty. Even though I only worked a couple of hours it wore me out. I think I am getting used to not I am registered at a n agency, and periodically they send me emails regarding jobs. They sent one the other day I think I can do. The hours are great and won't interfere with school and it's Monday through Friday! Hopefully they will call me about that. I plan on doing my exercise DVD tonight before I go to bed. I am also getting up early in the AM to go for a jog. I have a client on Friday from 12:30pm-2pm. I also have a one time client on Saturday from 1pm-6pm. So, hopefully something turns to more hours, because I really need money! All I can do is pray for the best! Good night!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 14 and 15 1/10/11 and 1/11/11

The last 2 days have been very good days. I had my 2 days of training for a care giver job. I have orientation on Thursday and then hopefully after that I can go work. On Monday I worked out twice. The one DVD was a low impact work out and I didn't even break a sweat, so I did another one too. I'm feeling sore but it is getting better. Tuesdays workout was great also. I didn't jog, but I will do so either Wednesday or Thursday. I am starting to like getting up and jogging. I can't go very fast but I'm doing it. I will be glad when this cold weather is gone. My eczema gets worse in cold weather and I have these patches of dry spots on my face. I have about a week before Spring semester starts. I'm already looking forward to days we have Well, time for bed...Good night!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 13 1/9/11

Another great workout today! I am so sore! Every muscle in my body hurts. I had to rub on some icy In the long run it is so worth it to me. I am more determined than I have ever been to lose weight. I have to keep everything moving because I don't want to get stiff. No jogging/walking for me on Monday or Tuesday. I have to go for training for a job. I can't wait until I start working. I need to start working on my CNA license, so I can work in the hospital. Well I am going to bed now. I don't want to be tired while in training!

Day 12 1/8/11

I went for a jog/walk today! I was so ready to do it! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, just very cold. I have this new energy about me since I started dieting and exercising again. My knees do hurt, but I think it will be relieved once I'm in better shape. I am really proud of myself because I was able to jog and my asthma was ok. I did not have to use my inhaler. I was very out of breath, but that was because I am so out of shape. I am looking forward for what tomorrow will bring! Good night. :-)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 11 1/7/11

I woke up today feeling really good! I wanted to exercise when I woke up. So strange! I didn't do a work out today, but my goal is to get up in the morning and go for a jog. I don't know what it is, but I feel like jogging. I'm gonna give it a try and see what happens. Nothing really exciting today......oh I forgot. I weighed myself. I told myself I was going to wait but I couldn't help myself. I lost 5 pounds! I'm so happy to start seeing some results. Can't wait to get up in the morning. Good night!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 10 1/6/11

I had a really lazy kick back day. My eating was excellent! I can feel a little different in some of my clothes. I can't wait to weight myself again and see how much weight I have lost. I was just watching this show on MTV, called "I Used To Be Fat." The girl on this episode weighed 250 pounds and in 3 months she was down to 160 pounds! I so want that to be me! That makes me even more determined to lose weight. I feel some of the same feelings she has. I know people probably talk about my weight behind my back. It is not a good feeling. I also hate to shop for clothing. There is such a limitation on what you can buy because of my size. I would love to buy something that looks really great on me and not make me feel like a fat cow. I know everyone tells me I'm pretty and I look good, but i don't feel that way. I am not happy with what my overeating has done to me. I want to be healthy and be a healthy weight. I know it will be a process, but i am determined to make this change! I will lose the weight I need to lose!

Day 9 1/5/11

Today was another good day! I think you should have at least one cheat day a week and today was mine! I still made sure I had a great workout! The eating wasn't all that bad, I just had more carbs than what I was supposed to have! My dinner was really healthy! Today we drove out to stateline. We wanted to try for the lotto, but the line was way too long! We enjoyed the day and the ride, so it wasn't all that bad. I hope to be working soon. I went to a home care agency I used to work for and filled out the application and turned in everything I needed to. I go for two days of training on Monday and Tuesday and then there is orientation, and then I can start working! Hopefully they will have plenty of hours for me. I'm keeping this short because I need to get to bed.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 8 1/4/11

Today was a very good day. My cravings have lessened and I am doing better with what I eat. The only thing I am having trouble with is trying to be creative with my meal selections. It is so much easier when you have breads, potatoes and pasta! I keep everything simple. I mostly have salads. I will probably start working soon, after being laid off for the past 3 months. I have 2 days of training on Monday and Tuesday and then I have to do orientation! After that, I can start working. School will be starting the week of the 18th! I am so excited! We will be learning about mental health issues and Med-surg! I am not looking forward to the research class! That is probably going to be tough, because of all the papers that have to be written! I hate writing papers and I am a procrastinator! I have to get it together this semester and keep my grades up! I can do this! I also had a great work out tonight and I did 20 crunches!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 5, 6, and 7: 1/1/11, 1/2/11, and 1/3/11

These last 3 days have been really hard. I am trying to do Atkins, but when you cut your carbs down way low, you crave them. I have done Atkins before and I lost a lot of weight. On new Years day we went out to eat at Gardunos, a Mexican restaurant. I didn't eat too bad. I had steak fajitas, which was just grilled steak and vegetables. It seems like I am noticing every fast food commercial ever made! I am trying to just not thinking about it, but it is really hard. I need to go and exercise and figure out what to eat for dinner! I will post more updates later tonight!.....................................Today ended very well! I got through the day and my cravings subsided some! I think that as more days go by, it will be easier.....................................I have been putting off posting my measurements. The numbers are so horrible, and I was embarrassed. But I think if I post them, then they are out there and it will give me more motivation to get those numbers down, So, here goes: Chest: 50 inches; Arm 18 inches; Waist 51 1/2 inches; Hips 56 1/2 inches; Thighs 31 inches; Calves 19 3/4 inches. How embarrassing is that! My goal is to get those numbers down to a "normal" proportion. I will do this!!!!! Good night!